
Military and Veterans Residency Status

The cost per credit hour a student pays while attending Hawkeye Community College is based on their residency status. The following residency policies apply to veterans and military service members.

Federal Personnel Residency Status

A person and his/her spouse, who has moved into the state of Iowa as the result of military or civil orders from the federal government, and the minor children of such persons, are entitled to immediate Iowa residency status.

Veterans Residency Status

A veteran of military service or National Guard, or his/her spouse or dependent child shall be classified as a resident if the veteran is domiciled in Iowa and one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The veteran has separated from a U.S. military force with an honorable discharge or a general discharge, is eligible for benefits, or has exhausted benefits, under the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any other federal authorizing veteran educational benefits program.

  2. The individual is an active duty military person, or activated or temporarily mobilized National Guard member.

To be eligible for the exemption, a dependent child must be claimed as a dependent on an eligible veteran’s internal revenue service tax filing for the previous year.

Armed Forces Active Duty Residency Status

A member of the armed forces who is on active duty or for a period of 30 days or more is eligible for in-state resident tuition. Spouses and dependent children of the veteran also qualify.

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